Learn how to make easy DIY confetti poppers from a toilet paper roll. This is a great family friendly New Year’s Eve craft that the whole family can participate in.
Do you celebrate New Year’s formally with your kids? Most of the time we’re happy to have them in the bed by eight o’clock so we can watch the ball drop somewhere that’s a few hours ahead of our time. I know, we’re a wild crew! That being said, this year I thought I could be a little more festive and try to create a fun craft. Let me show you how to create an easy DIY confetti popper for New Years from a toilet paper roll!
Toilet paper roll crafts are the best aren’t they! You can make so many things with old toilet paper roll tubes. I’ve previously made binoculars, wind chimes, a rainstick and lots more! That being said, I’ve never created something that pops with toilet paper rolls!

The kids will be so excited. Anything that explodes glitter or confetti makes kids excited, right?
I’m all about being a little more crafty this year around the holidays. My kids loved when I created a fun Advent calendar punch box and a carved pumpkin from styrofoam! Why not keep it rolling with more crafty holiday fun like with a free New Years Eve Escape room game.
These confetti poppers or confetti cannon’s are so easy to make. I might just add this to my list of awesome New Year’s Eve Traditions. Also check out these fun New Year Worksheets that will also keep your kids entertained.
The best part about how easy they are is that the kids can create them all by themselves with just a few materials! These easy confetti poppers are so much fun to make!
P.S. Looking to purchase your own confetti popper this year? Check out four great Confetti Poppers from Amazon for kids in this post.
Materials needed to create a toilet paper tube confetti popper:
- Toilet paper rolls
- Tissue paper, wrapping paper, crepe paper, etc.
- Tape
- Confetti or glitter
- Balloons
- Scissors
- Ribbon (not necessary but it helps jazz it up!)

How to make an easy DIY Confetti Popper from a toilet paper tube;
- Start by cutting the balloon right below the neck.
- Place the balloon over the end of the toilet paper roll. Make sure there is enough “slack” in the end of the balloon that you can easily create a pull tab and pull back and “pop” it.
- Roll your toilet paper roll in tissue paper or wrapping paper to decorate it. Washi tape works great too.
- Decorate the roll however you choose. I added ribbon to cover up the ends.
- Pour the confetti inside the confetti cannon! Add as much confetti as you want.
- Pull back on the balloon, release it and watch it rain confetti!
That’s it for this easy craft! The great thing about these balloon party poppers are they can be used for more than just New Years too. They can be used for a Birthday party, gender reveals and so much more.
Check out our visual step by step instructions below.

Speaking of crafts from a toilet paper roll or crafts from a paper towel roll; you might like to check out more of these creative ideas!
Also, if you are looking fore more New Year’s eve crafts, make sure to check out these New Years coloring pages with free printable worksheets.
Ready to see the confetti cannon in action? Below is the handy video.
These are so fun, I could enjoy them without the kids. The cool thing is that these are a safe alternative than the actual confetti cannons.

Learn how to make your own Confetti Popper or Confetti Cannon from a toilet paper roll tube for new years that your kids will love. These confetti cannon's are so easy to make and a great toilet paper craft for kids.
- Toilet paper rolls
- Tissue paper or wrapping paper
- Tape
- Confetti or glitter
- Balloons
- Scissors
- Ribbon (not necessary but it helps jazz it up!)
- Start by cutting the balloon right below the neck
- Place the balloon over the end of the toilet paper roll. Make sure there is enough "slack" in the end of the balloon that you can easily pull back and "pop" it.
- Roll your toilet paper roll in tissue paper or wrapping paper to decorate it.
- Decorate the roll however you choose. I added ribbon to cover up the ends.
- Pour the confetti inside the confetti cannon!
- Pull back on the balloon, release it and watch it rain confetti!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this fun holiday idea. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more holiday fun!
Happy Crafting!
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