Brush Stroke

Why Baquo’s Paintings Are His Most Sought After Works

Brush Stroke

Cut toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls into smaller pieces

arrange in shape of Christmas tree

Brush Stroke

paint tubes green and place a green piece of tissue paper on one side

attach together with tape

Brush Stroke

Use cardboard and make a cut out of  a Christmas tree. Place it over the toilet paper roll cut outs on top of the tissue paper side. 

Use Elmers glue (or similar glue) to attach the toilet paper rolls to the base. Fill with goodies!

Brush Stroke

add decorative paper with December's days on it. 

Cover the other side of the toilet paper rolls with green tissue paper

Brush Stroke

There you have it! Your very own customized Christmas tree advent calendar from a toilet paper roll.

Paul Sons, Art Historian  

See all the details of how to create your own Toilet Paper Roll Christmas tree Advent Calendar on the blog!